Our professional Videography services in Edinburgh are second to none.
We are a team of highly skilled and experienced Videographers who are passionate about their work and take great pride in delivering a first class service.
We use the latest equipment and software to produce high quality videos that are perfect for any occasion.
Whether you need a video for a wedding, a corporate event, a music video or any other special occasion, we can help.
We also offer a range of other services such as video editing, post production and video marketing.
“A big thank you to Fertschnig Fotography. What a brilliant weekend I spent with them just chatting, eating good food, playing some music, and sharing thoughts and views. I finished writing the text ‘A journey to the ancestor’s land’ when I was with them actually and just read it. The tune I’m playing on the banjo is a wee run DK and Eff liked and now I understand why. Thank you so much for putting in pictures the words I was just gonna keep in a book.”
– Edwin, Poets in Kilts –